Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Breaking Rocks In a Hard Place.

A good week to all and sundry. I am still the good old country called Ghana. I get to sleep with the beautiful roar of the sea by night and bask in the peaceful calmness of Accra by day even while I’m hard at work. I can finally touch my toes without bending my knees after a week of rigorous martial arts training. I get delirious when I raise my arms and feel that searing pain shooting through my muscles and tendons mostly because pain equals result. In no time soon I’ll be ready for those area boys when they crawl out of their holes to accost me when I’m stuck on the third mainland bridge or those rogue LASTMA traffic officials who always lie in wait for any erring road user. Yeah, I know, new found power always has a way of getting into its owner’s head but that’s the adage’s business; it’s my prerogative; I can what I wanna do – thanks Bobby!

On a more serious note, I am on a strong learning curve here. I am learning a lot about patience and endurance which are largely fueled by focus and drive towards where I want to be in this volatile entertainment industry. It is especially hard to humble myself to learn the vital instruments I need to take me the level I want to get to – to still be relevant as a versatile actor for the next forty years. It’s so easy to let the adulation and accolades one gets from the general public, the media and professional bodies get to ones head – and they do seep in no matter how hard you try to keep them out I find that they leave one in a false world where one sees little need to improve on ones self especially when it requires that one to lower himself or herself to the ‘lower’ status he or she just struggled to rise from - a place he or she would rather go to considerable lengths to forget; make everyone else forget. What makes it swallowable is focusing on the goal (hopefully worthwhile) one wants to achieve. The biblical adage; in order to live, one must first die, comes true here. It has been even harder to find people with whom to share the same vision – not those who just talk (and they are cheaply available) but those who actually work towards perfection. So far I have managed to find just two diamonds in the deep recesses of the quality mine. I apologise for not elaborating more on this but you will understand that there is a time for everything and at the right time, my basket mouth – as you my dear readers can attest to – will surely leak. I am not in a pretty place right now but I am convinced that the culmination of all these travails will bring a lasting smile in my body, soul and spirit.

Today is my off day – thank God – I’m going to take my aching limbs to the bed, snooze for about twenty minutes and amble off to the cyber café and deliver your goods. So I’ll see you guys next week yes? Have a great week everybody! Groan...


  1. you'll be fine; you'll dig many more diamonds; you'll come out clutching the rainbow

  2. Hi. Its Marge. Well done and keep it up.

    I love the term 'work towards perfection'. We tend to talk it out than work it out. I hope I get to imbibe the same spirit and lets hope its for keeps not just a momentary aberration or as Chuks used to say 'brain wave'. May working towards perfection become the norm for us all- You K and all other Nigerians, yours trully included.

    Imagine a NIgeria with all of us working...I am beginning to go on and on. I will stop here.


  3. God give you the strength to overcome. and you will come out standing.
    *cyber hug*

  4. You'll be fine dear but tell those directors not to break your back sha, lol. Take care and see ya...

  5. Enjoy your off day and stop worrying. God is in control. Cheers!!

  6. He shall bless the fruit of your hands for He has promised, His word is true...just go ahead have fun cos u'll find more diamonds

  7. Hi K, do keep on breaking the rocks no matter how hard they are, you know what they say about difficulties strengthening the mind?
    Make the best out of the situation. Take care.

  8. Nice post. I am inspired.

  9. Like the saying: NO PAIN, NO GAIN. Hang in there. Beautiful post.

  10. May the Almighty God bless you abundantly, Amen. We love you and will keep on praying for you. Nice post.

  11. Kalu, you are good so don`t ever give up. I like your acting.

  12. Hi kalu, that's a nice post. I'll say keep holding on, one thing I've learn't in life is to try n be realistic in whatever am doing, think objectively and avoid being too subjective. Being here in U.S has thought me a lot. As long as you have a goal, work towards it, be very positive , hang around positive individuals, be optimistic and keep your hands clean. You will be amazed at the posibilities in this world. Above all, rest when you can your mind, body and soul needs it for your sanity.
